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How Music and Art Leads to Success in School

The skills developed during music lessons and art classes can positively influence children’s cognitive abilities in academics as well as their behavior at school and beyond. Consistency and quality instruction are key to unlocking these benefits and more! 

Higher test scores in Science, Math, and Language Arts

A study recently published in the Journal of Educational Psychology reports that students who play musical instruments score significantly higher in science, math, and English exams than their non-musical peers. The author of the study found that highly engaged music students were one year ahead in their skills compared to peers who had not taken any music classes.

Organization and Discipline

An Arts Education Partnership study found that the visual arts have a positive impact on students’ ability to organize their writing. When students create art, they learn the process of crafting stories and presenting information in different ways. This can translate into clearer, more fluid writing. Students who study music and arts also learn discipline for practice and how to use mistakes as opportunities to learn.

Coordination and Listening 

In addition to the benefits in academics, learning music helps students with eye-hand-mind coordination and listening skills. These skills transfer not only to individual learning, but also collaboration with other students, and even extracurricular activities such as sports or clubs. 

Creative Expression

Some researchers theorize that having an outlet for creativity can benefit students behaviorally and help them where they may otherwise struggle to succeed. When students are given freedom to create and express themselves, it can encourage confidence and allow students to become well-rounded individuals. 

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Music education promotes memory and strengthens critical thinking skills. A combination of arts programs can help students with higher-order thinking skills such as analyzing and problem solving, which is beneficial in all areas of school curriculum. 

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