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5 Benefits of Learning Music & Art


We all hear things like “learning music makes you smarter”, and “learning an instrument makes you a better human” (okay, we made that one up, but it’s true). But- where do these claims come from, and which ones should we believe? We won’t drag you through boring details, but read on, my friend:

1: Music Exercises Much of the Brain

Studies from Florida National University have shown that “music produces several positive effects on a human's body and brain.” Music activates both the left and right brain at the same time, and the activation of both hemispheres can maximize learning and improve memory”. This study also found that music eases stress, improves performance, and helps you focus!

2: Learning Music Improves Your Memory

Did you know that learning and playing music stimulates parts of the brain that can help prevent Alzheimers and dementia? In fact, listening to music can help you remember things that you may have forgotten! Finding soothing music to listen to while studying for a test or doing homework can also improve information retention.

3: A confidence boost

Learning an instrument and building the skills associated with it helps you gain a sense of identity and pride. As a musician and artist, you are gifting yourself enjoyment that will follow you the rest of your life!

4: Playing Music Relieves Stress

In a study by Dr. Debra Shipman, PhD, RN, she found that “playing the piano can lower cortisol levels and decrease a person’s anxiety level.27 These researchers compared the activities of piano playing, calligraphy, and clay molding and found that playing the piano was significantly more effective at lowering stress levels when measuring salivary C-reactive protein levels and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) scores.”

5: A Lifelong Gift

Learning an instrument gives you a skill and hobby that you can carry with you forever! You’ll always have your music, and many relationships are formed over the love of music and art. Plus, when you’re a musician, you’ll always have the best party trick :)