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How to not wreck your recital

Performing in front of a large audience can be scary, but there are plenty of ways to prepare in order to successfully perform and show off all the amazing things you’ve learned! Here are some things you can do to make sure you’re ready for a recital performance:

Be prepared

The most important thing you can do is practice! Establishing a practice routine will help not only in your weekly lessons, but also when you’re preparing for a performance. A recital can be excellent motivation for consistency in practice. Another way to be prepared is to make sure you have all your necessary materials with you when you arrive at the recital! Make a list and double check it the night before.

Perform for friends and family

The easiest way to get used to playing in front of an audience is to play in front of an audience! Ask your friends and family members to be your audience as you practice all aspects of a recital. Pretend it’s the real thing and perform your recital piece with confidence! And don’t worry too much about making mistakes- the audience will most likely not notice unless you make it really obvious. Don’t forget to take a bow and enjoy the applause at the end! 

Calm your nerves

Feel free to come up with some strategies to calm yourself when you feel anxious or nervous. Take some deep breaths, visualize your performance all the way through, or do some stretches. Focus on how you’ve worked really hard to get to this point and you want to show off all you’ve learned. Whatever works best for you, do it!


Don’t forget to enjoy yourself! This is an opportunity for you to perform in front of those who care about you and want to see you succeed. Make sure to celebrate all you’ve accomplished and have fun!